Evidence type: Evaluation i
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
The Many Sisters project was developed by Southern Housing Group to support the financial capability of Black and ethnic minority women tenants in East London. The project sought to test new preventative approaches to building financial resilience and positive financial behaviour change based on creating trusted relationships, facilitating financial-need conversations and providing a space for disclosure about abuse in personal relationships for signposting to other services.
Launched coincidentally around the time of the first Covid-19 lockdown in Spring 2020, Many Sisters offered a range of practical online workshops, such as cooking, gardening, money management and empowerment in collaboration with several delivery partners. The workshops were focussed on ‘wellbeing with a financial flavour’ and provided tips and techniques to manage and save more, without being overtly educational in nature. The workshops were intended to draw participants into the service to then provide them with 1-2-1 Money Mentoring sessions, in a ‘fun to finance’ recruitment model. The Mentoring sessions were personalised and content-rich financial education sessions and those receiving them were more vulnerable financially than participants as a whole.
The project aimed to reach 350 Black and ethnic minority women in Hackney, Tower Hamlets and Newham (East London).
368 women took part in one or more workshops, of whom 36% had one or more dependent children, 48% were from Black, African, Caribbean or Black British backgrounds, 21% were living with a partner, 60% were in receipt of Universal Credit, 14% had a disability and 11% had a mental health issue. Of the 368 participating women, 264 were Southern Housing Group tenants (East London) and 104 were not. The aim of the study, which was commissioned by Southern Housing Group) was to measure how well Many Sisters increased female tenants’ financial capability; improved positive wellbeing for participants; achieve engagement and convert to engagement in positive financial behaviour change; adds value to what SHG offers.
The mixed-methods study used data from several sources: registrations forms, monitoring information, Financial Status surveys ‘before’ (n=159, a response rate 43%) and ‘after’ (n=61, response rate 38%), approximately 30 participant qualitative research interviews, WhatsApp group figures, Money Mentor/ financial health check records and six qualitative research interviews with Many Sisters project staff. The study was undertaken in 2020 and 2021 and the ‘after’ surveys were conducted at three-monthly intervals.
Recruitment, delivery and design:
Budgeting: The percentage of all participants who said they kept a written budget decreased by 4% points after taking part in Many Sisters, but for those receiving Mentoring sessions this increased by 16% points.
Financial confidence: The percentage of all participants who felt confident in managing money increased by 4% points after taking part in Many Sisters, and for those receiving Mentoring sessions this increased by 13% points.
Saving behaviour: The percentage of all participants who said they were saving at all increased by 15% points after taking part in Many Sisters, and for those receiving Mentoring sessions by 19% points.
Financial resilience: There was no change in levels of financial resilience (defined as being in work, receiving benefits and worry about bill).
Knowing where to get help: The percentage of all participants who knew were to get help with money increased by 14% points after taking part in Many Sisters, and for those receiving Mentoring sessions by 20% points.
(https://www.shgroup.org.uk/media/1024335/many-sisters-evaluation-report-_as_1407.pdf)[‘Fun to finance’ workshops and Money Mentoring with women]
Emily Crawford and Caroline Masundire, RocketScience, T: 0207 253 6289 Fleet House 8-12 New Bridge St, London EC4V 6AL 6EJ, rocketsciencelab.co.uk