Evidence type: Evaluation i
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
This project delivered financial capability and inclusion training, and job search assistance, to unemployed and economically inactive people (beneficiaries), as well as providing training for the frontline workers who support them. Work was also done to build capacity for delivery of financial capability services by providing accredited training for trainers and relevant forums.
The project provided financial capability training to 930 beneficiaries and 580 front-line workers from 128 organisations. The frontline workers came from a range of organisations, connecting with a wide variety of beneficiary groups, and estimated a collective annual reach of 23,576 people.
An independent evaluation of the project was conducted by Rocket Science in 2011. This included:
The evaluators also considered the impact of the project in terms of its likely financial savings and social benefits, framed by a logic model which drew upon existing research evidence to show the connections between project activity and a range of outcomes/impacts.
The evaluation found positive impacts in relation to the following outcomes:
For beneficiaries
For front-line workers
A ROI calculation was also undertaken which estimated that, for every £1 spent on the programme, it generated £4.50 of social value. Assuming that 20% of beneficiaries will act upon the advice received and will continue to do so for at least five years.
The total cost of the training provided was £257,875.
Hannah Luck Financial Capability Communications Manager 0300 023 1581 [email protected]