Evidence type: Insight i
Qualitative research is more exploratory, and uses a range of methods like interviews, focus groups and observation to gain a deeper understanding about specific issues - such as people’s experiences, behaviours and attitudes.
Quantitative research uses statistical or numerical analysis of survey data to answer questions about how much, how many, how often or to what extent particular characteristics are seen in a population. It is often used to look at changes over time and can identify relationships between characteristics like people’s attitudes and behaviours.
The Money and Pensions Service’s vision is everyone making the most of their money and pensions. Previous research has shown that financial capability, by the time of reaching financial independence, is in large part a consequence of what is seen, learned, and experienced during childhood and adolescence. In 2020, MaPS launched the UK Strategy for Financial Wellbeing, part of which sets a National Goal of two million more children and young people aged five to 17 receiving a meaningful financial education by 2030. The findings from the Children and Young People’s Financial Wellbeing survey play a major role in producing robust measures of children and young people’s financial wellbeing and capability across the UK. This report covers the 2022 wave of the survey, updating and building on the 2019 and 2016 waves.
The 2022 wave of the Children and Young People’s Financial Wellbeing survey was conducted by research company Critical Research, on behalf of MaPS amongst 4,740 children and young people aged 7-17, using a mixed methodology approach. The data collection period occurred between 18th August 2022 and 6th November 2022.
Interviews were conducted online with a UK nationally representative sample of 4,740 children (and their parent/carer). Whilst there was no face-to-face interviewing in this 2022 wave, a proportion of the online interviews were recruited face-to-face, with the survey completed in respondents’ own time using a link to the online survey provided by the face-to-face interviewer; the report refers to these as face-to-face push-to-web.
Weighting has been employed to ensure the overall reported population is representative of all young people aged seven to 17 in the UK. The nations with devolved governments (Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) were over-sampled to allow robust, separate analysis.
Findings include the following:
[The Money and Pensions Service][]