Evidence type: Evaluation i
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
The sports initiative ‘School of Hard Knocks’ (SOHK) developed and integrated financial capability training in three schools in Cardiff and the Valleys. The aim was to deliver financial capability modules to vulnerable young people on the project and compare their improvements with similar cohorts to see whether the combination of financial capability and a sporting intervention produces greater results than financial capability on its own. The training was provided to young people aged 13 and 14 across three schools.
SOHK commissioned Kada Research to undertake the evaluation. The evaluation sought to understand the effectiveness of SOHK interventions (a process review) and the outcomes for young people (an impact assessment). The former assessed the partnership and engagement process for the project and the latter the impact of financial capability training on young people as an integral part of SOHK sporting and mentoring interventions.
Kada Research selected three cohorts for the evaluation; the first was a SOHK group receiving both the sports (mainly rugby) and financial capability interventions (31 students); the second was a group of potential SOHK students receiving financial capability interventions only (26 students); and the third was a comparison group not receiving sports or financial capability interventions (54 students).
The evaluation used a pre- and post-intervention survey design to capture any changes in outcomes. A total of 107 students were tracked from baseline to the follow-up survey. Kada Research also undertook stakeholder interviews to assess the implementation and effectiveness of the project.
The three key project outcomes sought were as follows:
Methodological limitations
Evaluation of the School of Hard Knocks (SOHK) financial capability project - full report
Evaluation of the School of Hard Knocks (SOHK) financial capability project - full report