Evaluation Scotland Wales
The UK Strategy for Financial Wellbeing is taking forward the work of the Financial Capability Strategy Opens in a new window

Work with us: latest Invitations to Tender from the Money and Pensions Service

Invitations to Tender: closing 9 and 15 August 2019

Monday 15 July 2019

Invitation to Tender: financial capability parenting programme

The Money and Pensions Service is seeking a provider to embed ‘Talk, Learn, Doopens in new window’ financial capability parenting programme in Wales.

The aim is to deliver training to practitioners/professionals who support parents/carers to help them talk to and teach their children about money.

The requirement will be to deliver 40 training sessions; help create new partnerships and harness existing partnerships in Wales to embed Talk, Learn, D and ensure sustainability; and conduct a process and impact evaluation.

The value of this contract is up to £97,000 (inclusive of VAT), and delivery will be completed (reaching a minimum of 500 practitioners in total with the aim of ensuring at least 1,000 parents are supported) by the end of March 2020.

In order to register interest in this opportunity and view the tender documents, follow the link to MaPS Jaggaer eProcurement portal:


If you are not already registered, click on the ‘Supplier Registration’ link at the bottom right of the screen. Once you are registered, you will be able to search for this opportunity.

Please note the deadline for return of Tenders is 15 August 2019 (12.00 noon)

Invitation to Tender: Youth Checkpoints pilots

The Money and Pensions Service is seeking partners to deliver four “Youth Checkpoints” pilots, one in each part of the UK. The pilots will be targeted towards post-school young adults under 25 and will co-design multi-channel money information and guidance at key transition points for young adults in their journeys towards financial independence on apprenticeships or entering the workplace, in further education or higher education, or accessing Universal Credit. The aim is to develop and test ways of channelling money information and guidance to and reaching young adults at these ‘checkpoints’.

The value of this grant is £100,000, and delivery will complete by the end of March 2020.

The Invitation to Tender is available here: https://mas.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.html

Please note the deadline for return of Tenders is 9 August 2019 (12.00 noon).

Invitation to Tender: Money Supporter pilots

The Money and Pensions Service is seeking partners to deliver four “Money Supporter” pilots. These pilots will co-design and deliver training for practitioners working with specific groups (offenders/ex-offenders in England; supported housing residents in Scotland; people with mental health problems in Wales; and disadvantaged new parents in Norther Ireland). The aim is to enhance practitioners’ confidence and competence to talk to their beneficiaries about money issues, provide generalist guidance and signpost to specialist guidance, within their existing holistic service provision.

The value of this grant is £100,000, and the delivery will complete by the end of March 2020.

The Invitation to Tender is available here: https://mas.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.html

Please note the deadline for return of Tenders is 9 August 2019 (12.00 noon).