The Northern Ireland forum was set up in 2014, to act in an advisory capacity to the Money Advice Service, informing the organisation on key issues facing people in Northern Ireland and advising on the impact of our plans on people.
The current members of the NI forum have agreed to widen the remit of the group to include developing a work-plan to add to the financial capability landscape in NI in recognition of the work the NI Executive is leading on through the draft NI Executive Financial Capability strategy as well as feeding into the development of the UK Strategy.
The membership has been chosen to ensure the group has appropriate sector wide representation and knowledge to deliver these recommendations. Current membership includes representatives from:
Advice NI
Apex Housing
Bank of Ireland
Charity for Civil Servants- ForYouByYou
Christians Against Poverty
Clanmill Housing Association
Commissioner for Older People
Danske Bank
Department for Communities
First Trust Bank
Housing Rights
Irish League of Credit Unions
Kith and Kin Finance
Lloyds Banking Group
Queen’s University Belfast
The Consumer Council
Ulster University Students Union