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Find financial education projects and services for children and young people

Find financial education near you

Use our interactive map to find financial education projects and services for children and young people, working nationally or in your area. National services are also listed below

We are grateful to the organisations and individuals who contributed to the map by sending us information about their financial education interventions. Inclusion of a project or intervention on this map does not indicate endorsement by the Single Financial Guidance Body. If you would like your project or services to be included on this map, you can still respond to our survey.

To find out more about our financial education mapping project, read our FAQs or get in touch with us at [email protected].

A number of financial education projects and services are available across the UK, or throughout England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.


ASDAN Projects

Personal Finance Short Course https://www.asdan.org.uk/courses/programmes/personal-finance-short-course

Towards Independence: Money Introduction and Money Progression modules www.asdan.org.uk/courses/programmes/towards-independence

Living Independently Short Course https://www.asdan.org.uk/courses/programmes/living-independently-short-course

  • Target age groups: 11-18+
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes


LifeSkills created with Barclays https://barclayslifeskills.com/

  • Target age groups: 11-19+
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: No

Christians Against Poverty Projects

CAP Money Kids https://capuk.org/get-involved/your-church/cap-money-course/kids

CAP Money Youth https://capuk.org/get-involved/your-church/cap-money-course/youth

CAP Money Students https://capuk.org/get-involved/your-church/cap-money-course/students

  • Target age groups: 9-18
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: No

European Union PROFIT Consortium

PROFIT project http://projectprofit.eu/

  • Target age groups: 16-18+
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

The Mix and Experian

Home truths https://www.themix.org.uk/apps-and-tools/home-truths

  • Target age groups: all
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

The Money Charity

Student Money Manual https://themoneycharity.org.uk/work/young-people/student-moneymanual/

Teacher Resource Packs https://themoneycharity.org.uk/

  • Target age groups: 11-19
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: No


Money Twist (lower and upper KS2) https://mybnk.org/our-work/financial-education/money-twist-ks2/

  • Target age groups: 7-11
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: No


nimbl https://nimbl.com/how-it-works/

  • Target age groups: 7-18
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: No

Quaker Social Action

Made of Money Practitioner Training https://www.quakersocialaction.org.uk/we-can-help/your-money-and-finances/made-money

  • Target age groups: all
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: No

RBS plc. (NatWest, Royal Bank of Scotland and Ulster Bank)

MoneySense https://www.mymoneysense.com/

  • Target age groups: 5-18
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes


RoosterMoney https://www.roostermoney.com/about

  • Target age groups: 0-14
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: No

Young Money

Financial Education Quality Mark https://www.young-money.org.uk/services/financial-education-quality-mark-%E2%80%93-guidance-resource-producers

My Money Week https://www.young-money.org.uk/resources/mymoneyweek

Subscription Service https://www.young-money.org.uk/why-join

Young Money Advisory Service https://www.young-money.org.uk/projects-funding/projects/advisory-service

Jangle (with Experian) https://www.young-money.org.uk/

  • Target age groups: 0-18
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes



Renting Ready https://www.crisis.org.uk/ending-homelessness/housing-resource-centre/renting-ready/

  • Target age groups: 16-18+
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

Debt Advice Foundation

DebtAware Money Skills for Life http://www.debtadvicefoundation.org/

  • Target age groups: all
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

London Institute of Banking and Finance Projects

Certificate in Financial Education https://www.libf.ac.uk/study/financial-capability/qualifications/certificate-in-financial-education-(cefe)

Certificate in Financial Studies https://www.libf.ac.uk/study/financial-capability/qualifications/certificate-in-financial-studies-(cefs)

Diploma in Finance Studies https://www.libf.ac.uk/study/financial-capability/qualifications/diploma-in-financial-studies-(dipfs)

Lessons in Financial Education https://www.libf.ac.uk/study/financial-capability/qualifications/lessons-in-financial-education-(life)

  • Target age groups: 14-18
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: No

The Money Charity

Workshops for schools https://themoneycharity.org.uk

  • Target age groups: 11-19
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: No


Enteprise-in-a-Box https://mybnk.org/our-work/enterprise-education/enterprise-in-a-box/

Money Twist (KS3) https://mybnk.org/our-work/financial-education/money-twist-ks3/

Money Twist (KS4/5) https://mybnk.org/our-work/financial-education/money-twist-ks4-5/

Money Works https://mybnk.org/our-work/financial-education/money-works/

Sporty Money Twist https://mybnk.org/our-work/financial-education/sporty-money-twist/

The Money House https://mybnk.org/our-work/financial-education/the-money-house/

Uni Dosh https://www.mybnk.org/startup-home/uni-dosh/

  • Target age groups: 11-18+
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

National Youth Agency

My Money Now https://nya.org.uk/mmn/

  • Target age groups: 16-18+
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: No

Quaker Social Action

Get Set www.getset.org.uk

  • Target age groups: all
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD) Royal Society for Blind Children (RSBC)

Money Mechanics https://mybnk.org/latestfinancialeducation-money-mechanics-launch/

  • Target age groups: 16-25
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

Trading Standards Illegal Money Lending team (Birmingham City Council)

Stop Loan Sharks http://www.stoploansharks.co.uk/

  • Target age groups: 5-18+
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: No

Yorkshire Building Society Group

Money Minds https://www.ybs.co.uk/societymatters/updates/money-minds.html

  • Target age groups: 5-18+
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

Young Money/Young Enterprise

Your Money Matters (financial education textbook) https://www.young-money.org.uk/

CPD Training https://www.young-money.org.uk/services/cpd-training

Maths in Context https://www.young-money.org.uk/projects-funding/projects/maths-context

My Money Week Competition https://www.young-money.org.uk/projects-funding/projects/my-money-week

What Works for Financial Education https://www.young-enterprise.org.uk/what-we-do/financial-education-resources/

Vulnerable Young People Practitioner Training https://www.young-money.org.uk/projects-funding/projects/practitioner-training

Centres of Excellence https://www.young-money.org.uk/services/centres-excellence

  • Target age groups: 5-18+
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

Northern Ireland

Young Enterprise Northern Ireland

Young Enterprise Northern Ireland http://www.yeni.co.uk/

  • Target age groups: 5-18
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

The Money Charity

Money workshops for schools https://themoneycharity.org.uk/

  • Target age groups: 11-19
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: No


Chartered Banker Institute

Financial Education Partnership https://www.fep.org.uk/

  • Target age groups: 5-18
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: No


Renting Ready https://www.crisis.org.uk/ending-homelessness/housing-resource-centre/renting-ready/

  • Target age groups: 16-18+
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

Money Advice Scotland

Financial Health for everyone https://www.moneyadvicescotland.org.uk/

  • Target age groups: 9-18
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

Stewart Ivory Financial Education Trust

Stewart Ivory Financial Education Trust http://www.sifet.org.uk/

  • Target age groups: 16-18
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: No

Yorkshire Building Society Group

Money Minds https://www.ybs.co.uk/societymatters/updates/money-minds.html

  • Target age groups: 5-18+
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes


BITC Cymru and Careers Wales

Business Class https://www.bitc.org.uk/wales

  • Target age groups: 11-18
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes


Renting Ready https://www.crisis.org.uk/ending-homelessness/housing-resource-centre/renting-ready/

  • Target age groups: 16-18+
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

London Institute of Banking and Finance

Certificate in Financial Capability and Careers Development https://www.libf.ac.uk/study/financial-capability/qualifications/certificate-in-financial-capability-and-careers-development-(cefccd)

  • Target age groups: 14-16
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: No

The Money Charity
Money workshops for schools https://themoneycharity.org.uk/

  • Target age groups: 11-19
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: No

Shelter Cymru

Housemate - Shelter Cymru Education Service https://sheltercymru.org.uk/what-we-do/education/housemate/

  • Target age groups: 9-18
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

Young Money/Young Enterprise

My Money Week Competition https://www.young-money.org.uk/projects-funding/projects/my-money-week

Vulnerable Young People Practitioner Training https://www.young-money.org.uk/projects-funding/projects/practitioner-training

Centres of Excellence https://www.young-money.org.uk/services/centres-excellence

CPD Training https://www.young-money.org.uk/services/cpd-training

  • Target age groups: 0-18+
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

Wales Illegal Money Lending Unit

Lessons About Keeping Our Money Safe (ages 5 - 11)

Lessons in Safer Borrowing and Lending (ages 11 -19) https://www.cardiff.gov.uk/ENG/resident/Consumer-advice/Wales-Illegal-Money-Lending-Unit/Pages/Wales-Illegal-Money-Lending-Unit-(WIMLU).aspxopens in new window

  • Target age groups: 0-18+
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

Yorkshire Building Society Group

Money Minds https://www.ybs.co.uk/societymatters/updates/money-minds.html

  • Target age groups: 5-18+
  • Targets specific vulnerable groups: Yes

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